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Working Alone.

Hi everyone,
So it’s been awhile since I have been working alone on Dear December. The challenges of working alone is huge as you need to do a lot of things on your own. Dear December is still very, very small and my wish is to make it grow but it has been quite a ride, I would say especially emotional wise. However don’t all successful businesses start slow and difficult?

The biggest challenge for me is to take photographs as I have yet to have the luxury to pay for a professional photographer or models just yet. So you can imagine the amount of work that goes into this. That’s why I am really proud of the next clothing design because it is my first time going solo. So I hope you girls are looking forward to it as much as I do 🙂

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#thebbproject updates part 4

My mind has been in drought season lately . So last night, i was able to pump out 2 new designs! So yeap, for this project we will be producing 5 to 10 pcs of dresses only. It will be for only one size and one of these 4 designs. Let’s pick the final design that will be made. That will be for the plus sized ladies. So the next and almost final stage will be choosing the size. We are offering to make for either one of these sizes : 2XL, 3XL, or 4 XL. So if you are interested, cast your votes on our instagram post or story:)

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Hi all, it’s been awhile since our last giveaway.
In this giveaway we will be giving a printed top that is handmade by our girl boss Ms.Teacup!
How to join this ? Simply like and tag your friends on our instagram post! Which post? This one!

This giveaway event will be on till the 15th of October. We will announce the winner on the 15th of October itself. Insyaa Allah. Meanwhile do take note that with this giveaway, it is also the launch of a new clothing item! This time around, it is really limited. Only 10 pieces will be sold. Once sold out, no more restock~ So please do stay tuned!

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#thebbproject update

Hi all,

The BB project was created to empower women through their clothing. It doesn’t matter the size you are. It is all about how you carry yourself and how the clothes you wear enhances you; confidence and self-esteem.

So here’s an update of #thebbproject. Thank you for actively participating in our polls on our instagram story. So here are your choices

  1. Maxi Dress
  2. Plain
  3. The choice of design and size! We will sketch a couple of designs just for you to choose from and we will limit this maxi dress pieces! Minimum 5 pieces will be manufactured. Maximum 10pcs and no more than that!
  4. In October, we will announce an event just for #thebbproject

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How do you keep a positive mindset?

Image by engin akyurt from Pixabay

Hello everyone,
So I have decided to write on the blog daily. So today’s topic is “How to keep a positive mindset?” . Especially in today’s world, I feel that keeping a positive mindset is crucial as we are often surrounded by negative images, negative comments, negative people who are always telling us that they are just trying to be realistic. You know what is worst? Watching the news, most of the time, news is filled with the atrocities that you often cannot imagine.

Therefore in life, we do need goals, dreams and hopes to keep you motivated. For me, I have decided to keep a book to write down my prayers daily. Prayers are like wishes. One thing about prayers is that you always have to keep a positive mind that god will grant all your prayers. Always think that it will be answered. How it is answered can be in various forms. It may be direct or it may be indirect. We have to keep our eyes and minds open to be aware of all the blessings that are bestowed upon us. They may not seem like blessings right now. But it may be a blessing in the future. It’s midweek everyone! Let’s hop over this hump day together.