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Hi all,

This may be a bit emotional and a little bit personal as well. I have always been positive about everything but these days I feel more down then usual. I have lots of ideas and a lot of things I want to do for #dear12 but these days it hasn’t been easy. I have gone through too many obstacles lately. I am thankful for the support that I get from some people. However, I realise that in the end I am alone. I have always been one who is unable to express my feelings well and I always keep them bottled. I think now everything is reaching the brim of the bottle. All I want is a listening ear with no judgments passed but we are all humans. Humans are judgmental after all. For now all I can do is pray and work hard that everything in my life will have the best outcomes career wise and personal wise. The only reason, I write this is not to seek for sympathy. It is rather more of an outlet for me. Hopefully I will feel a lot better after this and keep pushing on and feel more positive vibes in life. Allah please keep me strong and please do not test me beyond my capabilities. I will try my best and do my best as long as I can.

ALLAH does not burden a soul more than it can bear” … “Allah does not burden a soul beyond that it can bear…” (Qur’an, 2:286).

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Why Dear,December?

Dear, December began because we wished to start something interesting in our lives and hope to turn this into something full-time instead of just doing our 9-to-5 jobs. Why make clothes? We are passionate about clothes and personally for me I have been designing a lot since I was a secondary school student. Be it clothes or product for daily use. Here at Dear, December we hope to provide clothes that are modest,fashionable and functional for women from all walks of life. Regardless of race, religion or size 🙂 Here sharing you some photos of old designs I did when I was 15.